I am 9 months old today! I went to the doctor yesterday and weighed 20.2 lbs and was 28 1/4 inches long. Both were in the 50th percentile. I also had a head measurement of 18 inches which is in the 60th percentile. When the doctor came in he started asking Mommy if I could do different things such as... Crawl? Answer: He can scoot backwards... Clap or wave bye-bye? Answer: No. Say sounds like Ma-Ma, Da-Da, or Ba-Ba? Answer: No... Pull up to a standing position? Answer: No........ Then Dr. Emm said, well that's okay, I just look for a little more out of babies than what's expected. As long as he is doing these things by a year old there is nothing to worry about. (I'm not sure if he was just saying that to make me feel better, or if he was telling the truth.) He did make me feel a little better by asking Mommy if I could drink from a sippy cup. Answer: YES! Doctor: Well see, he is advanced with that! Most 9 month olds are not drinking from sippy cups yet. Thanks Dr. Emm.... :/ [ What everyone doesn't know is that I can do all of these things they want me to do.... I just CHOOSE not to! Hehehehe >:) ]
Anyway.... I had a really fun weekend! Mommy and Daddy took me to Rock Island on Sunday for Red, White, and BOOM! It's a festival by the River where they had fun activities for the kids, beer and music for the parents, and a fireworks show for all! Mommy took me to get a tattoo and my face painted while Daddy held our spot on the lawn in front of the River. She decided to carry me over (not knowing how long she might be holding me...) and I first got my super cool "I <3 USA!" tat! Then she found the line for face painting... it seemed like a fairly short line at the time, but then it was moving really slowly and I fell asleep within the first 15 minutes so Mommy held my dead weight in her arms for... get this... over an HOUR! She said it seemed like parents must have been saving their kids spots while they went and played then jumped in line with them when it was their turn to get their face painted! She was a trooper! Her hands went numb, but she said she stuck it out for the photo op... I love my Mommy!

Mommy picked a giraffe because I have 3 giraffe friends at home that I love... (Sophie the teether, Jeffery the ball toy, and my pillow pet giraffe that doesn't yet have a name!)

We had so much fun together... it rained a little bit, but afterward there was a beautiful rainbow going right over the stage!

I didn't get much of a nap, but Mommy said she was so happy with how good I was! I barely fussed at all.... I was kind of surpised myself to tell you the truth, but I think it was because I was outside all day.... I LOVE TO BE OUTSIDE!
When the sky turned dark, it was time for fireworks! I didn't know what to expect, but WOW they were AWESOME! They were so bright, colorful, and sparkley! Here was my expression when I first saw them....

Since I didn't get to bed until 11:00pm (3 hours past my bedtime!), I got to sleep in with Daddy in the amazing King-Sized BED! It was one of the first times that I snuggled up to Da-Da all night! He said he had to reposition me several times because I kept turning so my head was towards Daddy and my feet were pointed at Mommy. I love when I get to sleep with them! :D

Hope you had a great 4th of July too! :)