Mommy told me that I now have to SHARE my blog with her until my baby brother or sister is born because she needs to post about the growth of the baby in her tummy. I told her that would be okay.
This morning, Mommy had a doctor appointment at 8:40 for her 10 week check-up. So, while the first big snow of the year was falling, we slowly made our way over to Bromenn Hospital. In the waiting room, Mommy was talking to another Mommy and Daddy who said I was adorable (but of course!). They said they had a 15 month old girl at home. The Mommy asked when my birthday was, and we were all surprised to find out that their daughter's birthday is just one day before mine! As you know, I was 3 weeks early, but their daughter was FOUR weeks early and weighed NINE pounds causing her Mommy to have to get a c-section because her head was too big. (This is apparently pretty nuts!...No, I don't know what any of this means, I'm just good at remembering everything HEHE) This Mommy is now 21 weeks pregnant with Baby #2 and is already on bed rest. Her water is slowly leaking and she has to see the doctor every week. Mommy felt really bad for her because she can't spend the kind of time with her daughter that every Mommy wants to spend with their growing toddler. Mommy will be thinking lots about her. We hope she makes it to full term!
When the nurse called us back, Mommy had to get weighed. (She normally wouldn't post this kind of information, but she said for the sake of remembering for her own personal interest.... she was 103.8 lbs.) When Dr. Thornton came in, she checked Mommy's belly for the baby's heartbeat. He or she has a heartbeat of 160 bpm (beats per minute, if you didn't know). The doctor said the heartbeat sounded great! After we saw the doctor Mommy had to get her blood drawn for some prenatal tests. She is really good at that... I have no idea how she doesn't scream her head off like I did on Tuesday!
Tuesday, I had my 15 month check-up. I weighed 24 lbs and was 31 inches tall, both of which were at 45th percentile. My head measured 18.5 inches which is at the 50th percentile. Dr. Emm was proud of my ability to walk all around the room. He asked Mommy if I still had a bottle... the answer was Yes, so he said to get rid of it. (The reason is because a lot of people will let their baby have a BaBa before bed and not brush their teeth. But, Mommy brushes my teeth as long as she doesn't forget haha) Dr. Emm said that next time, at 18 months, I should be able to say 20 words, use a spoon and fork pretty well, pointing and communicating what I want with actions, instead of my cries and fusses that I do so well! ;)
When Dr. Emm left, an evil nurse came in and stabbed me in the legs THREE TIMES!! I was NOT happy about that, but so glad Mommy got me out of there as quickly as she could after that! I was over it! SHOTS HURT PEOPLE! PLEASE STOP IT!
I'm now looking forward to bundling up soon to check out this stuff called snow that's covering EVERYTHING! YIPPIE! :D
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
A morning with our sweet boy!
Mommy here... sorry Jude, I just had to mention how sweet you were this morning! You woke up at 6 am, and for the first time, I didn't give you a bottle (Dr. Emm requested we move on to a sippy cup only). I sat you on the couch with your sippy cup of milk and you watched your cartoons like such a big boy!
{I was holding on to the bottle because that was one of the very last things that helped reasure me I still had a baby! I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it... I have a hard time accepting that you are now a toddler BOY... of course you will ALWAYS be my baby, but as I watch you get around on your own, while everyday losing that adorable baby fat I love so dearly, it reminds me that it's the process of life and I must move along with it. I am SO proud of the boy you are becoming! You amaze me everyday with the things you learn and your ability to show Daddy and I how much you love us! We look forward to the day you can tell us with words, and I know that day will be here before we know it!}
This morning after your cartoons and playing for a little bit, you were tired again (6 am was a little early for the both of us) so you snuggled with me on the couch and fell asleep. (I hope to never forget the way you feel snuggled in my arms) {I also hope me being a blubbering mess is due to the fact that I am dealing with some crazy hormonal changes right now.}
When you woke up at 7:30am Daddy was up and in the kitchen working. I sat you up and when you saw Daddy, you immediately walked over to him, blankie in hand. As he stood up to greet you, you reached your arms up to him so he could pick you up! It was the sweetest thing to watch as you clung to him, giving him a big bear hug... lasting at least 2 minutes! When you let go, he stood you up and walked into the bedroom to get changed for work. You followed him, and of course shut the door behind you. (Every open door must be shut, in your eyes. Haha you are so silly!)
Daddy was thrilled to watch as you followed him throughout the house this morning. He said you already made his day... with a morning like that, he is sure to have a great day at work, and it's all thanks to your loving and caring self! We love you so much, baby-toddler, Jude! ;)
{I was holding on to the bottle because that was one of the very last things that helped reasure me I still had a baby! I'm getting teary eyed just thinking about it... I have a hard time accepting that you are now a toddler BOY... of course you will ALWAYS be my baby, but as I watch you get around on your own, while everyday losing that adorable baby fat I love so dearly, it reminds me that it's the process of life and I must move along with it. I am SO proud of the boy you are becoming! You amaze me everyday with the things you learn and your ability to show Daddy and I how much you love us! We look forward to the day you can tell us with words, and I know that day will be here before we know it!}
This morning after your cartoons and playing for a little bit, you were tired again (6 am was a little early for the both of us) so you snuggled with me on the couch and fell asleep. (I hope to never forget the way you feel snuggled in my arms) {I also hope me being a blubbering mess is due to the fact that I am dealing with some crazy hormonal changes right now.}
When you woke up at 7:30am Daddy was up and in the kitchen working. I sat you up and when you saw Daddy, you immediately walked over to him, blankie in hand. As he stood up to greet you, you reached your arms up to him so he could pick you up! It was the sweetest thing to watch as you clung to him, giving him a big bear hug... lasting at least 2 minutes! When you let go, he stood you up and walked into the bedroom to get changed for work. You followed him, and of course shut the door behind you. (Every open door must be shut, in your eyes. Haha you are so silly!)
Daddy was thrilled to watch as you followed him throughout the house this morning. He said you already made his day... with a morning like that, he is sure to have a great day at work, and it's all thanks to your loving and caring self! We love you so much, baby-toddler, Jude! ;)
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER!
Ok, so hopefully Mommy's New Year's Resolution is to help me post more on my blog! Ahhh... there's so much to tell! First things first.... I'm going to be a BIG BROTHER! I'm not sure exactly what that's going to require of me, but I hear I will have a life long friend to play with EVERY DAY!! I can't wait! Not only am I going to have a little brother or sister in late July!.... I'm also going to have a baby cousin hopefully by the end of the year!! I'm so happy that I won't have to grow up all by myself... What fun we are going to have!

I should mention Mommy hasn't been feeling the best. She had morning sickness with me for 10 weeks, and sadly, it's haunting her again with baby #2. She is a trooper though, and Daddy has done a great job trying to help out all that he can!
So what's new on my end?
I'm walking a lot better these days, and over the weekend Daddy and Mommy took us shoe shopping! We all got a new pair of shoes! I enjoy walking around in my super cool kicks!
When I see a cow my first instinct is to Moo, which Mommy and Daddy think is so funny because of the way I stick my lips out as I say it. I surprised Mommy today by trying to say I love you. (Ok, so I only got the "I" out, but we both knew what I was trying to say.) She always hugs me and says "I love you," so today I looked her lovingly in the eyes and said "IIIII" and gave her a BIG hug! She was so happy and I felt pretty good too! I love my Mommy!!
Christmas was fun and I got a lot of cool stuff, but some of it was too big for our house so it had to stay at the grandparents houses. I can't wait till we find a bigger house (which we all hope is very soon!) so that I can play with ALL of my new toys!
I hope you had a great Christmas and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D
I should mention Mommy hasn't been feeling the best. She had morning sickness with me for 10 weeks, and sadly, it's haunting her again with baby #2. She is a trooper though, and Daddy has done a great job trying to help out all that he can!
So what's new on my end?
I'm walking a lot better these days, and over the weekend Daddy and Mommy took us shoe shopping! We all got a new pair of shoes! I enjoy walking around in my super cool kicks!
When I see a cow my first instinct is to Moo, which Mommy and Daddy think is so funny because of the way I stick my lips out as I say it. I surprised Mommy today by trying to say I love you. (Ok, so I only got the "I" out, but we both knew what I was trying to say.) She always hugs me and says "I love you," so today I looked her lovingly in the eyes and said "IIIII" and gave her a BIG hug! She was so happy and I felt pretty good too! I love my Mommy!!
Christmas was fun and I got a lot of cool stuff, but some of it was too big for our house so it had to stay at the grandparents houses. I can't wait till we find a bigger house (which we all hope is very soon!) so that I can play with ALL of my new toys!
I hope you had a great Christmas and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR! :D
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