Saturday, May 26, 2012

Mommy Note

So until last night, Jude was on a 2 week streak of needing me laying next to him in his toddler bed to fall asleep.  He was getting up to play with a couple of his toys we had in his room.  At first, as long as I came in, put him back in bed, and laid down next to him, he would take just a few minutes to fall asleep, knowing I was there.  Well.... that 5 minutes kept getting longer... Tuesday night it took 45 MINUTES of laying there in his toddler bed (with my restless leg syndrome acting up!) for him to go to sleep!  I was so frustrated!  THEN, to top it off, Wednesday night he got up in the middle of the night at 1 am!  (AND... He doesn't wake up crying.  He wakes up and goes to start playing with his toys.  I wake up to "chug a chug a chug a chug a chug a chug a-- Choo Choo!!" over the baby monitor!)  So, I get up, go open his door, pull him away from the toys, lay him in his bed.... then.... lay beside him for the next TWO HOURS!!!  He would just babble, and his eyes would continuously open and close... and he would NOT FALL ASLEEP!  I had had it at that point.
I decided to take those toys out of his room, yesterday morning.  He did better staying in his bed for his nap.  I only had to go in once to put him back in bed.  Then, last night, he stayed in his bed from when I laid him down, to when he fell asleep!  He didn't get up once!  He played with his Scout for a little bit... then was OUT!  During his nap today, he did get out, but, it was so he could go poop.  I went in, changed his diaper, and he was sawing logs before I knew it!  Tonight, when I laid him down for bed,  he played with Scout again.... but was fast asleep before long!  Never got out of bed!!!  I am so excited that he is back to sleeping ON HIS OWN! 
I was starting to get worried I was ruining our AWESOME SLEEPER by sleeping next to him, but all along, I just needed to take those toys out of there!  YAY!!!

*I do realized it's only been two days, but I am hopeful it will stick! :D

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