My puppies are sick. They went to the vet this morning to get their yearly check-up and booster and rabies shots. They made it through, but when Mommy brought them home Cheech threw up and looked very sick and tired. Mommy called the vet and they told her to bring him back in. The vet gave Cheech a steroid shot to make him feel better. Soon after Mommy brought Cheech back home he started running around rubbing his face all over the carpet like a rabid dog (even though he just got the shot for it)! Mommy called the vet once again and they told her to just bring him in for the day so they can keep a watchful eye on him. So Mommy left me with Daddy once again... (good thing he worked from home today, or it would have been even more stressful on Mommy to lug my chubby self around). 5 minutes after Mommy walks back through the door, Daddy tells her that Miley is now rubbing her face on the carpet. Mommy looks at her eyes and, sure enough, she had red rings around her eyes too! So.... Mommy, once again, drove to the vet, for the 4TH time, to take Miley in. They kept them 'til 4:30 and gave them medicine to help take their itchies away! My poor puppies are still not feeling good, but Mommy says they should feel better in the morning.
Cheech came and layed by me this morning. Mommy and Daddy thought it was the cutest thing!
Did you know, I will be 8 weeks old tomorrow? Mommy keeps telling me how she can't believe I am 2 months old already! I am getting big quick. Here I am today...
I got to try out my Bumbo seat for the first time... my head still wants to lean to the right sometimes, but I'm getting stronger by the minute!

I really like it!

This is my pal, Ralph!

I like to try to eat him!
(No really I'm just yawning... but I do like to eat him!)
Side note: I go to see Dr. Emm tomorrow for my 2 month old check-up!
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