We then went to the Corn Bin to play in a big pile of corn kernels! At first I wasn't sure about the way they felt, but I got used to them and really wanted to put them in my mouth.... but Mommy and Daddy wouldn't let me! :(

When we were done with that, Mommy and Daddy let me roam around in the soft, thick grass! I was walking (As much as I can at this point... I think I got a straight 5 steps in!) and crawling around... I got to see lots of people, too! Then Mommy took me on this big bouncy pad! It was soooo fun! We got bounced all over the place! I loved how it made my tummy do flips!
Mommy and Daddy took lots of pictures and videos during all of the fun! (I love how they are always documenting my life... they tell me I will LOVE to see all of the videos and pictures when I am older!)
We also went on a Hay rack ride around the farm, which was nice! Then, Mommy strolled through the pumpkin patch to find a pumpkin... she ended up picking one out from the ones they had already picked, but it was still festive filled Fall fun!!

Only 3 more days until my birthday! Mommy would like to post each day what she was experiencing the days leading up to my arrival, so here she goes...
Last year at this time, I was INCREDIBLY miserable! On October 1st I was having painful contractions only minutes apart. I tried taking a warm bath, which relieved some of my INTENSE lower back pain, but I was still having the contractions and I thought for sure my water had broke, so I had Bryan take me to the hospital around 10:45pm. I was positive Beta Strep, so I was also worried about getting the fluids started for that, in case he was on his way out. They put me in a room and hooked me up to watch my contractions which were indeed happening!! However, since I was more than 3 weeks from my due date, they could not help me progress. They wanted to try to stop my contractions, so they gave me some medicine for that and watched me over-night. In the morning of October 2nd, the pain was starting to subside and I was feeling really drugged up and totally delirious. They released me to go home and be on bed-rest. I slept like a beached whale on the couch for most of that Saturday. On Sunday, October 3rd (One year ago, today), I was starting to feel my contractions again, and once again my lower back was KILLING ME! I knew something had to be done! I couldn't take the pain, but Bryan kept telling me that I had to wait because the nurses said there was nothing they could do. However, when Sunday afternoon came, I KNEW I was calling my doctor as soon as Monday morning (October 4th) came around! I had to go see her!
Stay tuned for more, tomorrow...
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