Friday, I met up with my friend Inez at the Mall for a play date. I love to play in the play area, but there was a big kid that kept yelling, so I wasn't as happy as I normally would have been. Sorry Inez, I promise I will be more fun once I master this body of mine! I'm getting so frustrated with not being able to walk and run like my peers... it's not fair! :( Also, I got to see Inez that night for Bloomington's Halloween event. We got out picture taken together in our costumes! Inez was dressed as a pig. Mommy and Darcie (Inez's mom) thought it was cute that we could both fit into the "Old McDonald" song! I must admit we look pretty good next to each other. :P

Friday was also Papa's birthday, so after our picture, Mommy and I had to go, so we could meet up with Papa for dinner at Joe's Station House Pizza Pub (It's Papa's FAVORITE place!) I enjoyed eating all that Mommy and Daddy would give me. They are quite generous with their food, which is awesome because I LOVE to eat, and a lot of it! I had some wings, fries, meatballs, and a lot of my own snacks while I waited for the good food.
That night, Mommy and Daddy went to a friend's Halloween party. However, I didn't know that until I woke up Saturday morning... Mommy didn't come in to get me! Aunt Erica did, but she was in her glasses, which I've never seen before, so I was a little freaked out. (Maybe Mommy could tell me next time she plans on staying out all night. I thought she knew that I'm in charge around her by now!)
Mommy and Daddy got home around 6:45am on Saturday, which I suppose was okay. I sure was happy to see them! Don't get my wrong, I love my Aunt Erica, but in the mornings I need my Mama!
Saturday, was spent inside the house, which was fun! I love playing with Mommy and Daddy all day!
On Sunday, I got to go to the Zoo in my puppy costume! It was fun to see all of the different costumes, but I had a bit of a tummy ache, so I wasn't in the best mood. Mommy and Daddy did I good job of trying to keep my happy, though. (I just love them!) Not only did I get to see some really cool animals, but I also got to ride the carousel! That was just what I needed! :D (Of course I had to ride on the dog...)
Finally, Monday was HALLOWEEN! I was told I would get lots of candy (which I did), but I never saw any of it! (Again, not fair! Life at almost 13 months old isn't fair people! Let's change that!) Anyway, Mommy dressed me in my puppy costume for the THIRD time, and when Daddy got home from work we drove over to the mall! There were so many cool costumed people to look at, which made me forget about the candy a little bit (...But I remember NOW! Hand it over Mommy!)
After the mall, we went over to Nana and Papa's house so that I could get pictures with Edyn and Alayna in our costumes. They were fairies! It's hard for anyone to get a picture of all of us looking at once...
Great-Aunt Robin finally felt that I was big enough to hold now... HAHA she is nuts! She waited until I was almost 13 months old to hold me...she acts as if she didn't have 2 kids and 2 grandkids!
SN: Mommy has taken up crocheting! She is very new to it, and just completed hats for me and Daddy. We are proud of her! :D
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