So, I'm slowing figuring out this communication thing. Yesterday morning, when Mommy laid me down to change my diaper, I signed "eat" to her and she knew right away what I was saying. She asked, "Do you want to eat?!" And I don't know how to say "yes" yet, so I just starting fake wailing... which I've learned means anything I want it to mean! ;)
I couldn't believe how fast she picked up on my sign! I might have to try some more signs soon! After I had figured them out, I had done away with the couple of words I know (like Dada), but after yesterday morning, I decided to bring Dada back, it might help me to learn other words if I keep saying the ones I already know... it's worth a shot, I guess.
Mommy and Daddy are really happy to hear me saying Dada again, with the occasional Mama. I like to hear them talk so highly of me all the time... they are SO obsessed, but I'll allow it! :D
Here are some pictures of the new way Mommy likes to style my hair. Daddy thinks it makes me look just like Mama...
Today, I am going to get my picture taken with Santa Claus. Can someone please explain to me how Santa can be at our mall, but also at every other mall in the world!?! Oh well.... I had a picture taken with him last year, but I don't remember it, so I'm not sure how I will react to being sat on his big Santa knee, with his bearded mouth breathing down on me. (Hey, that rhymed!) I will post the handsome picture tomorrow... well, that is if it turns out handsome, and I don't decide to scream my head off! ;)
SN: We are getting so excited for our cruise... only 1 week left!!
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