I think I've looked at the pictures of it posted online about 100 times! :D It's just so beautiful to me!
More exciting news... I felt my first BIG kick today from Baby #2! I had been feeling little flutters here and there, but nothing that made me think OH, HI BABY! But this... this was a for sure, "MOVE IT," kind of kick! I was lounging on the couch with Jude in my lap and had my arms wrapped around him, so my left elbow was pressed against the left side of my belly, then, I guess the baby said, "Hey Mama, you are taking up some of my very limited space!" and gave me a big ole nudge out of the way! It was so neat and I wished I could feel it over and over again, but nothing but little flutters since. But, it looks like kicks aren't too far away!! :D
We find out baby's gender on March 8th!! Just 8 more days!! Bryan, Jude and I will be finding out together, then to tell family we are having a GENDER REVEAL PARTY! It should be lots of fun! Guests have been asked to come wearing either BLUE or PINK depending on what they think Baby#2 is! (I can't wait to see what people think, because I haven't really heard from many people other than a couple on my side of the family.) I will be making cupcakes with either blue or pink cake (covered with icing and the cupcake liner), then, when we are ready to reveal, everyone will get a cupcake, and all at once they will open them together to get some EXCITING NEWS!! We can't wait to know!!!! :D
Not only will the cupcakes be to reveal our next baby's gender, but they will also be celebratory cupcakes for Bryan's 27th birthday which is March 13th! I can't believe how old we are getting! (And yes, I know we are no where near old to some of you, but to think I helped Bryan celebrate his 20th Birthday.... and he was actually at my 16th birthday dinner.... THAT WAS ALMOST 10 YEARS AGO!! We have quite a history for such a young couple!) I just love getting to spend every day with Bryan and I enjoy trying to make his birthdays memorable... I think finding out the sex of our baby will do just that! :D
I know this is JUDE'S blog, so I will mention he is doing very well these days. He is such a sweetheart (Bryan and I talk about this every night... we are SOOOOOOOOOOO IN LOVE WITH HIM!!!!) Since last week he has been Mommy's little shadow, and quite a protective one at that! Now, when we tell Daddy "bye" in the mornings... Daddy gets pushed away if he kisses me. Then Jude throws his arms around my neck and pulls me close. Haha its the sweets thing, and Bryan doesn't mind and thinks it's cute too, so that works for me! :D (Don't worry, Daddy gets lots of hugs and kisses too!)
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