On Saturday, we celebrated Aunt Robin's 49th birthday, and went to the Morton Pumpkin Festival. Since we went to Golden Corral for Robin's birthday dinner, and Morton is on the way to Peoria, we went to the Festival before hand. We found there are WAY TOO MANY PEOPLE for the size of Morton's venue. When we arrived, Mommy wanted to get me on some rides, since I liked them so much at Danver's Days. Well, the first ride (some crazy caterpillar coaster) was kinda fun... it just went 'round and 'round... no big deal.
Action shot.. |
Then, when we got off of that, Mommy had some crazy idea that I would like going slowly up HIGH INTO THE AIR in a rickety old seat. Daddy took me on the Ferris Wheel. Daddy knew as we were walking up to get on and I was pulling at him in the other direction, that I did not want to get on, but MOMMY thought I would like it once it got moving. Well... I DID NOT LIKE IT! Apparently, I am afraid of heights! I will never ride that ride again! Daddy tried to comfort me, but sorry Daddy, there was nothing that was going to make me happy, except getting off that ride! Mommy tried to get the guy to stop the ride to get me off, but just as she asked he said he was getting ready to stop it... only, he stopped us at the VERY TOP! It took forever for the people to get off and new people to get on. Mommy was not happy that the guy wouldn't bring us down... he said he had to go in order, or the system gets off. As angry as I was that I had to be on that ride longer than I ever wanted to, I was just happy to get off and into Mommy's arms! She promises she won't get me on a ride again, unless I am excited about it.
I have been sick for the last couple of days, as my last 4 teeth are coming in. I had a fever on Monday that got worse in the night. I was up with Mommy till midnight as she tried to make me feel comfortable. I felt awful, but spending that time with Mommy was nice. She made me as relaxed as she could! My temperature peaked at 103 around 10pm, but was back to 100 yesterday morning, and I've been better since yesterday afternoon! I am glad the fever is gone, but now both me and Mommy have colds. I have a sore throat and runny nose... making it hard for me to want to eat. Mommy says I will feel better again really soon!
Mommy let me play with the ipad in her and Daddy's bed while I had my fever. |
At Golden Corral. Mommy had Taysia sit in front of her... not realizing she would be blocking Wren. We were staring into the sun, so I'm the only smart one that chose to look away! ;) |
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