I'm breaking more and more out of my shell! I'm enjoying more pretend play (mostly with my Super Why figurines), I am being more social (I like to go around the house saying every sound I know, which are A LOT these days!), I say my Alphabet and numbers, 1-10, without being prompted (ok I know a 2 year old doesn't know what that means, but I'm sure you've figured out I get A LOT of help from Mommy on these posts!), I have gained a huge interest in the potty, and I sit on it with no complaints. I have gone pee pee just once, but I have a feeling I will be going a lot more! It's pretty fun and I get Lucky Charms when I go!!!! YES!!!!
I have started trying to say a couple of words when Mommy asks. She has gotten me to say pink, balloon, blue, pink, green, red, and as I mentioned, my numbers! :)
And a big milestone that I've been holding out on doing, was accomplished this morning. I waved Bye-bye to Daddy when he was upstairs and Mommy was taking me downstairs. I did it a few times there, and then when Daddy was leaving for work, I waved Bye-bye as he walked out the door! Mommy and Daddy were REALLY excited! :D
Mommy would also like to mention that she is pretty sure I said "Thank you" when she helped me put Super Why's cape back on today! ;)
I like to sit on the potty! :) |
Mommy is going to be watching my friend, Oliver, on Tuesdays so that we can play! :D |
He is an ipad kid too! :D |
The future is NOW!!! :D |
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